Other activities /communication with parents

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Other activities / communication with parents

本園重視家長教育,注重溝通和同行,與家長建立互諒、互信、互助的關係,同心協力培育兒童,傳遞及實踐3H價值(Happy Family, Healthy Life, Harmonious Community)。傳光照亮,以愛傳承,幫助兒童和家庭,一同回饋社區,活出喜樂而豐盛的人生。親子活動包括: 旅行、歷奇體驗、運動會、參與慈惠活動等。平日家長面談、家長日、家長小組、家長座談會、講座及家長教育課程。並設有學校通訊、學校網頁,建立家長和學校的伙伴合作關係,促進溝通和聯繫。

Our school values parent education, focusing on communication and collaboration, working together with mutual understanding, practicing and delivering our 3H values. Some of the activities include parents' seminars, parent groups, parent-child outings, parents' class observation, parent-child reading programmes, campus open day, carnivals, periodic school newsletters, parent questionnaire survey, etc